Faculty Profile

Dr Imran Tipu

Chairperson Department of Life Sciences, Associate Professor, HEC Approved PhD Supervisor

School of Science

Department of Life Sciences

 : ls.cod@umt.edu.pk     : 3454     : 03214029804   

I am working as an Associate Professor in the Department of Life Sciences at the University of Management and Technology. My expertise lies in predicting treatment responses for infectious diseases through molecular diagnostic techniques. Specifically, my research focuses on elucidating the immune response triggered by viral infections, which plays a critical role in immune surveillance. This involves analyzing both cellular and humoral immunity to combat viral infections, a theme central to my doctoral research. I earned my PhD in Biochemistry from the Institute of Biochemistry & Biotechnology at The University of Punjab, Lahore. During my doctoral studies, I conducted research at the Center for Integrated Genomic Medical Research and The Manchester Interdisciplinary Biocentre, University of Manchester, U.K. My PhD thesis titled "Interleukin 28-B Polymorphism Associated with HCV Treatment Induced Viral Clearance" highlighted my exploration into genetic factors influencing viral

  • Effects of Life Style Intervention Manual on Metabolic, Cardiovascular, Respiratory and Physical Parameters in Pre Hypertensive Sedentary Population
  • Role of host immune system against Mycobacterium Tuberculosis infection a step towards its better understanding and eradication
  • Development of sensitive non-invasive liquid biopsy approach for screening, early diagnosis and prognosis of different cancers in Pakistani Population
  • Effects of Life Style Intervention Manual on Metabolic, Cardiovascular, Respiratory and Physical Parameters in Pre Hypertensive Sedentary Population
Name of Organization Designation Start Date End Date
University of Management and Technology, Lahore Associate Professor 01-01-2024 Present
Publication Type Title Journal Name Impact Factor Year of Publication
International Publications with impact factor (2.0 and above) Higher COVID-19 pneumonia risk associated with anti-IFN-α than with anti-IFN-ω auto-Abs in children Journal of Experimental Medicine 15.300 2024
International Publications with impact factor (2.0 and above) TULP3 NLS inhibition: an in silico study to hamper cargo transport to nucleus Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics 4.400 2023
International Publications with impact factor (2.0 and above) The risk of COVID-19 death is much greater and age dependent with type I IFN autoantibodies Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 11.000 2022
International Publications with impact factor (2.0 and above) Rare predicted loss-of-function variants of type I IFN immunity genes are associated with life-threatening COVID-19 Genome Medicine 15.266 2023
International Publications with impact factor (2.0 and above) Interferon α2–Thymosin α1 Fusion Protein (IFNα2–Tα1): A Genetically Engineered Fusion Protein with Enhanced Anticancer and Antiviral Effect Materials 3.420 2021
International Publications with impact factor (2.0 and above) High yield expression, characterization, and biological activity of IFNα2-Tα1 fusion protein Preparative Biochemistry & Biotechnology 2.900 2020
International Publications with impact factor (less than 2.0) / JCR / SJR Genetic Polymorphisms in IFN- λ Genes Associated with HCV Treatment Induced Viral Clearance in the Pakistani patients. Hepatitis Monthly 1.578 2013
International Publications with impact factor (less than 2.0) / JCR / SJR Reliable Scarless Fusion of Genes through Overlap Extension PCR to Develop Chimeric Genes Pakistan Journal of Zoology 0.790 2019
International Publications with impact factor (2.0 and above) Development of latent Interferon alpha 2b as safe therapeutic for treatment of Hepatitis C virus infection Scientific Reports 5.757 2019
Degree Name & Area Year University City,Country
PhD - Biochemistry University of the Punjab Pakistan
MPhil - Biochemistry University of the Punjab Pakistan
  • Pakistan Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
  • American Society of Microbiology
  • American Society of Nephrology
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