Dean award ceremony Fall 2022 and Spring 2023
UMT 1st International Conference on Emerging Trends in Physics (ICP-2024)
Session on Key Strategies for Securing Research Grants
BS Chemistry
BS Physics
BS Mathematics
BS Biochemistry
BS Biotechnology
MS Physics
MS Chemistry
MS Mathematics Weekend
MS Biotechnology
MS Biochemistry
PhD Mathematics
PhD Chemistry
PhD Physics
BS Zoology
BS Microbiology
Focal Person of SSC regarding Harassment of female faculty and students at workplace. Read More
"Alumni Cup of Tea"
Workshop: Basic and Advanced Nanobiotechnology Skills
"One Health Approach Towards Antimicrobial Resistance"
SSC Industry Advisory Board Meeting (SSC)
7th Research Collquium of School of Science (SSC)
Industrial tour to PEL factory - Mathematics Department-SSC
Academic Audit of School of Science (SSC)
3rd International Symposium on Recent Trends in Graph Theory with Applications
6th Research Colloquium of School of Science (SSC)
Orientation of School of Science (SSC)
Let’s Talk Our Hearts Out about Workplace Environment (SSC)
5th Research Colloquium of the School of Science (SSC)
School Graduate Committee (SGC) Meeting (SSC)
Meet the Rector session for PhD Scholars
Fourth Research Colloquium of the School of Science (SSC)
School of Science Faculty meeting (SSC)
Training on the Impact of Technology in Exam Administration - Department of Mathematics - SSC
Webinar on: The X Factor: Geneticvs of the X-Chromosome
Annual Dinner & Alumni Homecoming
Guest Lecture on Simulation and Modelling
Guest Lecture on "DENGUE: HOW TO CONTROL"
Short Certificate Course "Experimental Methods in Molecular Biology"
Industrial tour to LCCI -Mathematics Department
Experimental Techniques in Microbiology [Certificate Course]
3rd Resaerch Colloquium of the School of Science (SSC)
Application of Ionizing Radiations in Everyday Life, Its Hazards & Means of Protection
International Symposium on Extended Theory of Gravity and Stellar Evolution
@nd Research Colloquium of the School of Science
First Research Colloquium of the School of Science
Dean award ceremony
1ST CAPACITY BUILDING SESSION for SSC FACULTY/Use of Generative AI tools in Academia
“ UMT 1st International Conference on Emerging Trends in Physics (ICP-2024) ”
10th Board of Studies
Diabetes, Awareness and Management
“1st UMT International Conference on Life Sciences: Exploring the Frontiers in Biological Research (UMTCLS 2023)”
School Graduate Committee (SGC) Meeting
Board of Faculty (BOF) Meeting
7th UMT International Conference on Pure and Applied Mathematics (7th UICPAM 2023)
She Leads: Women's Journeys to Success
8th Board of Studies
"Key Strategies for Securing Research Grants" (Session 2)
Faculty Visit of UMT Sialkot Campus to UMT Lahore
Key Strategies for Securing Research Grants
A Talk: Metabolomics, principle and applications
Introductory Event on Python for Beginners
19th Meeting of Faculty Research Club (FRC)
Poster Competition of Physics Department for Final Year Students
Industry Academia Partnership in Research and Challenges
Unleashing Potential in Industry-Academia Collaboration
Certificate Course: Experimental Methods in Molecular Biology
Inauguration of Certificate Course: Experimental Methods in Molecular Biology
Industry Academia Partnership in Research: Success Stories and Challenges
School Graduate Committee Meeting (SGC)
18th Meeting of the Faculty Research Club (FRC )
Guest Lecture On:"Experiences of membrane modified and recess tip electrochemical sensors for In vivo metabolite monitoring and solute mass transport in confined pores"
SSC Orientation Spring 2023
Celebrating the Enduring Legacy of Muslim Civilization, A session by School of Science (SSC)
Certificates Distribution Ceremony to International Conference Volunteers
17th Meeting of the Faculty Research Club (FRC )
International Seminar on Electric vehicles, batteries and charging systems
2nd Pce International Conference on "Sustainable Chemical Industry"
16th Meeting of the Faculty Research Club (FRC )
SSC Dean's Award Ceremony
15th Meeting of the Faculty Research Club (FRC )
14th Meeting of Faculty Research Club (FRC)
SSC Dean's Merit Award Ceremony
Landfilled leachate treatment
The Imperial Celebration of SSC
Introductory Session with Dean SSc
Board of Studies
Mathematics Department Meeting
MS Mathematics Theses Defense
MS Thesis Defense
Inauguration of Jabir ibn Hayyan Research Lab
Visit of Faculty of College of Earth Environmental Sciences, University of the Punjab to Department of Chemistry, UMT
Meeting of Faculty of Institute of Chemistry, University of Punjab with Faculty of Chemistry UMT
SSC Faculty Meeting
25TH SESSION OF SEMINAR-SERIES IN LIFE SCIENCES - COVID-19 (2019-novel Coronavirus): Updates, Prevention and Myths
MS Thesis Defense - Department of Life Sciences
3rd UMT Symposium on Fuzzy Analysis, Decision Making and Soft Set
2nd One Day Training Workshop on Artificial Intelligence with Python - By Khwarizmi Mathematical Society (KMS)
2nd One-Day Training Workshop on Artificial Intelligence with Python
Poster Exhibition of Medical Physics
Dean's Merit Award Ceremony - Fall 2019
23rd Seminar Series - Why our papers are not publishing in good impact factor journals?
Meeting of Board of Studies (BOS) -Department of Mathematics
DGC Meeting (Department of Mathematics)
1st TRAINING WORKSHOP-Techniques in Molecular Biology
MS Mathematics Thesis Defense
Dean's Meeting with Faculty | SSC
18th Seminar-series in Life Sciences
1st UMT International Symposium on Graph Theory and Combinatorics
Pre-Defense: PhD Mathematics
BS Thesis Defense
Aging: Long-term Hidden Cost of Infectious Diseases
Workshop on LaTeX - Khwarizmi Mathematical Society, Department of Mathematics
Board of Study
Department Graduate Committee (DGC) Meeting.
MS Chemistry Thesis Defense
"Moments for Memories" for BS, MS and PhD students
Welcome and Farewell Party 2K19
Dentistry is not Expensive, Neglect is
CRISPR/Cas Technology and Designing guideRNA
Pharmaceutical Business in Pakistan and Academic Collaboration
13th Meeting of Faculty Research Club
Sterilization, Disinfection & Decontamination: the Key to Laboratory Biosafety
1st UMT National Symposium on Fluid Dynamics
Guest Lecture Title: History of Cancer
BS- Thesis Defense - Department of Life Sciences
Antimicrobial and anticancer potential of actinomycetes isolated from different ecological niches of Pakistan
School of Science: Orientation Spring 2019
Department Graduate Committee Meeting
Nano-Technology Development for Industry - How to Handle Collaborative Projects with Local and International Industry
Dean's Merit Award Ceremony
MS Physics Thesis Defense
School of Science - Orientation Fall 2018
Mathematics Departmental Meeting
Seminar on Career Counseling and Higher Education
Thesis Defense - Department of Life Sciences
Gala Night: School of Science
Meeting of Board of Faculty (BOF) in School of Science (SSc)
Seminar for Industry academia linkages
Meeting : Board of Studies
KMS Seminar Series: A talk by Invited Speaker Dr. Deeba Afzal
KMS seminar series 01 S2018
School of Science Orientation Spring 2018
MS Chemistry Thesis Defense - Tuesday February 6, 2018
UGAT Test: School of Science
MS Chemistry Thesis Defense - Friday January 05, 2018
Department of Mathematics Meeting
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