Faculty Profile

Dr Muhammad Imran Jamil

Associate Dean, Chairperson, Department of Physics, Associate Professor, HEC Approved Supervisor

School of Science

Department of Physics

 : [email protected]     : 3611   

During my PhD at Centre for High Energy Physics, University of the Punjab Lahore as an HEC research scholar, I did a research work on meson-meson systems studied through the use of a modified sum of two body potential model by a gluonic field overlap factor-f. The new thing I found was the scattering angle dependence of meson-meson phase shifts. Now a days I am working on meson meson scattering by using more realistic Linear plus Coulombic potential instead of previously used quadratic potential which was an approximation of Linear plus Coulombic potential. With the passage of time I have developed interest in other fields other than particle physics it includes Material Science, Medical Physics and Fractional Calculus. Along with my collaborators I have studied the properties of Perovskites materials within the frame work of Density Functional Theory using Wien2k code. I have supervised more 20 M.Phil. students and currently two PhD students are under my supervision.

  • Theoretical High Energy Physics
  • Condensed matter Physics
  • Medical Physics
Name of Organization Designation Start Date End Date
UMT, Lahore Associate Professor 01-11-2019 Present
UMT, Lahore. Assistant Professor 19-08-2013 30-10-2019
Publication Type Title Journal Name Impact Factor Year of Publication
International Publications with impact factor (2.0 and above) Dynamical Effects of QCD in q^2 q ̅^2 Sytems Eur. Phys. J. A 3.040 2011
International Publications with impact factor (2.0 and above) D0barD0* system in QCD-imroved many body potential Chinese Physics C 2.145 2017
International Publications with impact factor (2.0 and above) Ab initio study on half-metallic, electronic and thermodynamic attributes of LaFeO3 Eur. Phys. J. Plus 3.911 2018
International Publications with impact factor (2.0 and above) J /ψJ /ψ scattering cross sections of quadratic and Cornell potentials Chinese Physics C 2.145 2021
International Publications with impact factor (2.0 and above) ρJ/Psi scattering in an improved many-body potential Eur. Phys. J. A 3.040 2020
International Publications with impact factor (less than 2.0) / JCR / SJR Reststrahlen Band Studies of RuCrX (X = Si, Ge, Sn) Half Heusler Alloys Journal of ELECTRONIC MATERIALS 1.938 2019
Degree Name & Area Year University City,Country
PhD - Physics University of the Punjab Pakistan
MPhil - Physics University of the Punjab Pakistan
Position Start Date End Date
Member Board of Faculty. 10-10-2017 Present
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