Biochemistry can be most simply defined as the study of life at the molecular level. Every process occurring within the living organism, from metabolism to muscle contraction to vision and even including our thought processes, happens as a result of a series of chemical reactions. The field of biochemistry accommodates people with a wide spectrum of interests, from those with a strong biological orientation to those who view themselves more as chemists. Biochemistry is a rapidly growing, and exciting field of study. Genetic engineering, biotechnology, and immunology are the prominent areas in which biochemists are playing a major role.
The Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry degree program consists of a combination of requirements and electives that ensure a strong foundation in the chemical and biological sciences while providing the flexibility to tailor the curriculum to satisfy specific interests or career goals. This program may be of interest to students who plan careers in research, in teaching, or in the life/health sciences professions (medicine, pharmacy, dentistry). The courses offered provide the students with extensive exposure to basic Biochemistry, as well as Cell Biology and Molecular Biology/Biotechnology. Our faculty is committed, although their primary mission is teaching; the faculty maintains active research programs both during the academic year and in the summer. Undergraduates are strongly encouraged to participate in research projects with faculty members. The opportunity to "do" biochemistry in addition to learning the subject can be an exciting and important part of your undergraduate years at SSC, UMT.
Challenge yourself, feed your curiosity for the natural world and explore a microscopic universe that is as strange and breathtaking as any imaginable. Make biochemistry and molecular biology your future career!
Aim of the Program
Developments and discoveries in the fields of biochemistry have had an enormous impact on our society. Your course of study in biochemistry at UMT will reflect the fact that the field lies at the interface of biology and chemistry. Extensive background in the basic sciences and biology is the foundation for the program. All students involved in our programs should:
- Develop an understanding of the physical and chemical behavior of matter, including the chemical basis of biological phenomena.
- Acquire mastery of the basic concepts of analytical, inorganic, organic and physical chemistry and biochemistry.
- Develop a knowledge of how to setup, and how to operate, various scientific apparatus used in the study of chemistry and biochemistry.
- Learn how to obtain and interpret data from various scientific instruments.
- Develop an ability to think logically and clearly, to articulate their thoughts, and to critically evaluate experimental data and the scientific literature.
Equipment of special interest to biochemists includes: 300 & 400 MHz nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometers, real-time PCR, microarray readers, a flow cytometer, electron microscopes, chromatography equipment, a gamma counter, gel and capillary electrophoresis equipment, environmental chambers, and extensive computer facilities.
Career Opportunities
The leaders in this scientific revolution have been biochemists and molecular biologists.
If cancer is to be cured, if solutions to the world’s energy crisis are to be found, or if the planet’s pollution is to be cleaned up, it will probably be the biochemists and molecular biologists with the knowledge and skills to power these breakthroughs. Career prospects are bright for someone trained in the molecular life sciences.
Majoring in biochemistry prepares one for a number of challenging and rewarding career opportunities in areas such as: forensic science, environmental science, metallurgy, plastics, engineering, electronics and biotechnology, and medical research. The biotechnology industry offers excellent career opportunities for people trained in the molecular life sciences, with opportunities across the spectrum of all company activities. Publically and privately-held corporations belonging to the biotechnology, medical device, and pharmaceutical family of industries are common. Subsectors of the biotechnology industry include:
- Agricultural feedstock and chemicals
- Drugs and pharmaceuticals
- Medical devices and equipment
- Research, testing, and medical laboratories
The Intelligence, state government and private forensics laboratories require increasingly science-oriented individuals in order to take advantage of the powerful tools of DNA fingerprinting and other molecular analyses techniques to solve crime. Biochemists find fulfilling careers in non-traditional job sectors such as:
- management
- science policy
- science writing
- medical illustration
- Banking
Program Summary
Duration 04 years
Semesters 08
Credit Hours 135
Admission Requirements
12 years of formal education A Level/FSc or equivalent
with Chemistry and Biology
Intermediate 45% Marks
UMT entrance test

Chairperson of Department
Dr. Muhammad Sohail Afzal
ls[email protected]
Ext: 3455
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